Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

breif update

looks like this month will be like last. i had an ultrasound tuesday and was told everthing looked normal for me. apparently i have a tilted uterus that no one has ever mentioned before. why did that shock me?! i started clomid lastnight...hotflashed about 10 mins ago. i have a doc appointment monday for another ultrasound to see if anything is growing. i was told today that odds are i will have to take the follistim shots and followup with an ovidrel shot.
we got brad's truck back today and it didn't cost an arm and a leg...just a few fingers and toes (i love a good buddy wisecrack!) oh i needed that laugh. anyway it was the bearings and our shadtree mechanic got it repaired in half the time and at a fourth of the price. i'm glad i still live in a place where people aren't afraid to get a little grease under their nails.


Teri said...

If you lay just right I think you can get your uterus to be normal instead of tilted :) Love you

Monica said...

ashley said brad would have to stand on his head to do "homework"

Teri said...

That's hilarious and sounds just like something she would say. Hope your day is going's almost the weekend..thank Heavens!