Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Catching up

My doctor appointment went well on the 16th. He said we are moving right along and everything looks and sounds great. I only gained 1lb in the last month. It's so hard to believe that I will be 29 weeks on Christmas day! She now weighs a little over 2.5 lbs and is just over 15 inches long. And I can feel it too. And you can see it too! Moving all the time now. I know she gets the hiccups and I swear that she sneezes. It's either a sneeze or she's shaking off like a dog.

On the 18th Brad and I celebrated 5 years of not killing each other wedded bliss. We went to the Smoky Mountains and had a great time. There was about 6.5 inches of snow that fell while we were there. Definately the most we've seen since we started going.

I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Christmas and hopefully I can get back to regular updates after the first of the year.