Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 7, 2010

31 week update

All went well at the check-up on Tuesday. I had gained 5 pounds and at first felt bad but then realized that in the time since my last appointment we have gone on vacation, celebrated Christmas (a lot) and I spent 3 full days with my mother. So with all that I was lucky it wasn't 15 pounds. Dr. Ashurst said everything felt great and her heart beat was right on track along with my belly measurement. She is positioned head-down. Next appointment will be 1/27 and then I'll start going every 2 weeks. Where has the time gone?

This week, JoAnna measures over 16 inches long. According to she weighs about 3.3 pounds but Dr. Ashurst said she's probably at the 4 pound mark (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt. She can turn her head from side to side, and her arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath her skin. She is moving a lot, too, first thing in the morning, all day long and especially at bedtime. I've been told that all this moving is a sign that she is active and healthy.

Next week my goal is to get her room straightened. Brad will be at Mama's for the week for I'll have all that time to myself. I need to box up all my junk that's still sitting in her floor, get Uncle Adam to move all his stuff out, wash clothes and hopefully put some up is I can get someone to move her dresser and get her bed out of our room and into hers. We have the bed and will soon have the nuts and bolts to accompany it. Shoot, I may even get started on curtains for her room or recovering the recliner to go in there. Becky, that means a trip to the fabric store if we can shovel our way out.