Saturday morning found me fishing on Lake Jordan. Saturday afternoon found me in a puddle of emotions. The day itself had its ups and downs. We were supposed to leave by 6:30am but I was just crawling out of bed at 6:25am -- nothing new there. When putting the boat in the water Brad unhooks everything, backs the trailer down and I drive the boat off, but this time Brad forgot to unhook the boat from the back of the trailer. I know they guys fishing on the pier got a good laugh at me pulling the back of Brad's truck in the lake. We laughed it off and were on our way. After fishing for a few hours with absolutely no luck, Brad and I decided to head to the river for the rest of the day. Since it was quite chilly that morning I had worn my big ski suit to keep warm. After getting off the water I took my cell phone out of my suit pocket and apparently put it on the boat deck. I realized 25 miles down the road that I did not have it in the truck with me.
Called my phone from Brad's phone thinking I would hear it ring in the pocket of my jacket or my purse...nothing. We pulled off the side of the road hoping it was still in the boat...nope. Well, right there on the side of Hwy 82 W I had a total meltdown complete with snot-sucking. Yes, over a phone. Brad finally got me in the truck and began to fuss. Just not what I needed at that time. And with emotions running wild and hormones oozing out my ears I ruined his Valentines Day surprise. He informed me that he was going fishing on the 14th since he would not be able to fish the rest of the day and I could just go to Montgomery and pick up his present all by myself. I threw my hat and not so politely yelled at him, "I can't because I (censored) have bought you (censored) tickets to (censored) go see (censored) Bear Country. Happy (censored) Valentines Day!"
We dropped the boat off at Pawpaw's and headed back towards the lake. Not a word was said for 20 miles. We stared at the road looking for anything shiny. Y'all would not believe how much litter there is on the roads these days and it's ALL shiny. Found nothing but cans and bags all the way back to the landing. We were turning around and I had just begun to cry -again- when Brad got a text. It was from my phone!! "fone@ mailboxs by captnhooks" I had never read anything better. We were 500 ft from there and actually saw the man walking to the mailboxes. I thanked him endlessly. He said he had seen a car run over something shiny in the road a mile or so up the road and realized it was a phone. He picked up all the pieces that would go back together and tried to turn it on. He was so surprised it still worked. We were all surprised.
It's scratched, cracked and not all there but it will still make and receive calls, txt, messages and go online. You can't see it in the picture, but my background speaks volumes "Ain't nothing gonna happen today that me and the Lord can't handle together." That is certainly something I need to remind myself of over and over.
Just like that my world went back to normal. I did appologize to Brad and he assured me that it was just my hormones. Then he appoligized to me for fussing. I told him I'd get him something else for V-day to go along with his tickets and make it up to him. So off to BPS where I got him a new reel and he got me a new rod. Luckily we are eligable for upgrades in April so I will not have to carry this phone for much longer. But I will keep it as a reminder that #1 my background rings true and #2 never leave anything on the boat deck.
Thanks kind stranger!
so what day of provera are you on? a friend of mine here is going to be taking it for the first time. her nurse pract. said that it will make her calm and relaxed. i laughed out loud.
Oh, that nurse pract--she's a hoot!
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